Don't read this if you have an obsessive need to keep your books pristine: We Need To Talk About Beating Up Your Books . I am a spine-cracker. What do you do to your books? Glorious bindings : 365 Bindings . This bookbinder set out on a challenge to make 365 books. Humorous "scientific" article about National Geographic magazine: National Geographic, the Doomsday Machine (in The Journal of Irreproducible Results). Not just an article, in fact, but a rebuttal and commentary as well. Reader are more empathetic, according to science: Science Shows Something Surprising About People Who StillRead Fiction . That title needs some work, I think, but the studies discussed are interesting. Book list: 10 Fascinating Books About Living In A Foreign Country . I've only read two of these, so I have something to look forward to.
Bookish expressions of a Bibliophile living in Reykjavík