As may be seen from the list I have been on a Ngaio Marsh reading binge, making her the author of half the books I read in November. It looks like I am not going to finish the 52 mystery authors challenge before the end of the year as I had planned. In fact, I will probably not be reading much until February, as I have just received a big translation job equivalent in length to a short novel (but not nearly as much fun to translate) that will take up most of the time I have allotted to daily reading. (As of December, I have only finished three books, two of which were quickie rereads. If I was reading at my normal pace, I would have finished 7 or 8 books by now). I have been trying to work up some momentum before I tackle Terry Pratchett’s latest offering, Making Money , by rereading Night Watch to get me in the mood, and I will probably read the previous Moist von Lipwig book, Going Postal , before I start on the new book. Pratchett is one of my favourite authors, but in the last fou
Bookish expressions of a Bibliophile living in Reykjavík