I came across this question while going through old posts on Booking Through Thursday : Okay, show of hands … who has read Shakespeare OUTSIDE of school required reading? Do you watch the plays? How about movies? Do you love him? Think he’s overrated? While the subject is now closed, I thought it was a rather good blogging prompt, so here is my reply: I have only read a couple of Shakespeare's plays outside of school: Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream . I suppose that as an English major I should feel ashamed that I didn't read any of his plays at university, but since my focus was linguistic, not literary, I make no excuses. In any case, I prefer to see plays performed, either on stage or as films. I know the stories of most of the comedies and tragedies, thanks to Tales from Shakespeare and a similar, albeit better written, book by Helgi Hálfdanarson, the man who also translated all the plays into Icelandic. I try to see ever
Bookish expressions of a Bibliophile living in Reykjavík