Year published: 2009 Genre: Fantasy Setting & time: Ankh-Morpork, can remember what year (it’s mentioned in the book) For some reason I have not yet been able to bring myself to finish Terry Pratchett's last Discworld book, Making Money , possibly because it failed to grip me in the first chapter, and also because I do not find Moist von Lipwig that interesting a character. I had no such problem with Unseen Academicals . It is interesting from the first page, and while it didn’t turn into a must-finish all-nighter for me, I did enjoy it. The humour is less dark than it has been in several preceding books, and the book sparkles with good humour throughout, even when nasty things seem to be about to happen, are happening, or have just happened. As with most of Pratchett’s other Discworld books, this one presents the reader with several interwoven story threads involving a number of characters that gradually come together into bigger strands and finally become one as the story
Bookish expressions of a Bibliophile living in Reykjavík