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Reading report for June 2013

I finished 12 books in June, 8 of them rereads (of which one was an audiobook). Unusually, all the rereading had nothing to do with depression this time. I simply wanted to revisit some old friends (and possibly justify to myself why I keep them around). I finished one book in my Brontë project and one TBR challenge book. I also added a number of books to my library, mostly cookbooks, which fortunately don‘t count towards the TBR challenge, but I also added some books that do.

All four ‘never-before-read‘ books were satisfying reads (I hardly need to mention that all of the rereads were as well). The highlight was The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, but the favourite will probably end up being the Calvin and Hobbes book. I can never get enough Calvin and Hobbes.

The Nora Roberts novel was the best by her that I have read this year. I have been noticing more and more that while I happily devour her old category serial romances and read her other books with enjoyment, the ones I end up giving the best marks tend to be romantic suspense (e.g. Northern Lights, Carolina Moon, Montana Sky).

All in all, I had a highly satisfying reading month.

In July I hope to finish Shirley, and hopefully also the first of three books I am contributing to a group challenge on my favourite reading forum. We are reading one book published in every year of the 20th century. This is a one-year-one-reader challenge and each participant need read no more books that she or he feels like. My first pick was 1924 and the book A passage to India by E.M. Forster, which I have been meaning to read since I saw the movie about 25 years ago. I might (I say might!) turn this into a personal 20th century challenge for myself , although I am more inclined towards the 19th century (see my previous comments on the subject).

The Books:
  • Anne Brontë: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Romance. 
  • Jennifer Crusie & Bob Mayer: Agnes and the Hitman. Romantic suspense. Reread. 
  • Georgette Heyer: The Black Moth. Historical romance. Reread. 
  • Georgette Heyer: These Old Shades. Historical romance. Reread. 
  • Georgette Heyer: Devil's Cub. Historical romance. Reread. 
  • Georgette Heyer: Venetia. Historical romance. Reread. 
  • Georgette Heyer: Lady of Quality. Historical romance. Reread. 
  • Terry Pratchett: Monstrous Regiment. Fantasy. Reread. 
  • Nora Roberts: Whiskey Beach. Contemporary romantic suspense. 
  • Dorothy L. Sayers: The Nine Taylors. Mystery. Reread (first listen).
  • The Bathroom Readers' Institute: Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader. Trivia.
  •  Bill Watterson: The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes. Collected comic strips.


Tonia said…
Visiting from Booking Through Thursday... I like your list of books - I'm a fan of Georgette Heyer as well. I'm pretty sure I've read every one of her books I could find at my library.

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