Title: The Thin Woman Series detective: Ellie Simons, aided by Bentley Haskell No. in series: 1 Year of publication: 1984 Type of mystery: Cosy w/ treasure hunt, possible murder, murder attempts Type of investigator: Amateurs Setting & time: England, 1980’s Some themes: Dieting, insecurity, missing persons Story: Interior decorator Ellie Simons is fat and insecure and has always been made to feel inferior by her beautiful cousin Vanessa. When she is invited, along with all her other relatives (Vanessa included), to Merlin’s Court, her eccentric uncle’s fairy-tale castle, for a family weekend, she hires handsome Bentley Haskell, a writer who moonlights as a social escort, to accompany her and pretend to be her boyfriend. Uncle Merlin is not only eccentric, but also rich, and most of the relatives only come in the hope of getting a mention in his will. When he dies shortly afterwards, Ellie is stunned to learn that she and Ben have been left Merlin’s Court and most of Merli...