It's funny about bookmarks. They belong to that special group of things that also includes keys, pens and one half of any pair (socks, earrings, etc.), i.e. items that keep getting lost. Ergo, readers can always use more bookmarks.
According to my web counter, about half the visitors who come to my blog every day do so in search of printable bookmarks. My bookmark posts seem to have a high rating on Google if the right search words are entered, and I only hope the one bookmark I have actually published so far has come in handy for many readers.
So as not to disappoint, here are a couple of printable bookmarks. All I ask in return for you using them is that you leave a comment. I would especially like to know what kind of bookmarks you would like to see here in the future. If I get enough comments, I will make this a regular feature, either as bookmark of the week or bookmark of the month.
Instructions: Click on an to bring up the full-sized bookmark. The bookmarks should print out in the size 19 by 5 cm. I recommend downloading them before printing, but they can be printed straight off the web if you want. Set the printing quality of your printer to 'high' or better and print the bookmark on cardstock. I recommend laminating them.
I hadn't thought of printing bookmarks from blogs before, great idea. I'll bookmark this post and come back to it when I have some decent card to print on!
All my best
This may just inspire me to make some of my own. If I do, I'll post them on my blog too and let you know.