In 2013, impressed by the number of book titles popping up in the books I was reading at the time, I began posting what I called Friday Book lists , in which I would list all the books, plays, periodicals, poems, short stories and other publications that appeared in the books I was reading. The endeavour fizzled out after a while when I took a break from rereading the Ngaio Marsh detective novels and began reading books that contained few, if any, mentions of books or reading. However, one thing I found fascinating about the exercise were all the fictional titles I came across. Years before, I had discovered the - now, alas, long defunct - Invisible Library website and had been intrigued by the titles contained therein. Other webmasters and bloggers have since then made their own versions of this library of fictional books (as has Wikipedia ), and now I have decided to join that club. On my Invisible Library page you will find (to begin with) the fictional books, short...
Bookish expressions of a Bibliophile living in Reykjavík